One of the top three events of my year is ice skating , it is really fun but hard at the same time. You also fall a lot but it is worth it. The reason you fall alot is because you may have wobly ankles . another top event of my year is go cart racing . i won most of the time , the ones i lost was when my brother cheated . the other event of my year is my trip to Austin. Here is what I did . I went to a place where my moms good friend works .It is the best sandwich shop in Austin ,it is called Toastys . Then we went to her apartment and played with her dog named “Trixy” and watched movies on a VCR , “Trixy” is a pit bull. The next day we took “Trixy” to a dog park so we can play . When we were just about to leave the dog park .I got on my brothers skateboard and went down a steep hill and got to go fast . when i was ready to stop i jumped off and triped then hurt my self , it felt like i broke my elbow. Then we did alot more things . It would take too long to explain it . here is what i am looking forward to in 2014. 2 goals i have for this year are , to be more responsable by doing what i am told to do , and to keep up with my stuff. my other goal is to kill a deer like a leagal 8point. Something id like to stop is loosing everything. one thing id like to learn is how to make a stink bomb, so I can trough it in my brothers room and make him mad. Four books id like to read are harry potter goblet of fire ,harry Potter prisinor of asakaban , harry potter order of the phinex , and Harry Potter and the half blood prince.
2013 to 2014